• Spring Water Vs Purified Water

    Spring Water Vs Purified Water – Hi, everyone in this article we will provide you with detailed information about the two different types of water.  Springs and purified water are the two different types of water. Both kinds of water are safe for drinking and cooking as they follow strict safety standards. People’s personal preferences and the availability of water decide the type of water that the people prefer to drink.
    Water is one of the basic needs of a person. Water plays a very significant role in the proper functioning of our body. It is very essential to drink enough amount of water daily for the body to work effectively which is the reason that you should stay hydrated throughout the day.
    There are various kinds of water in the market and among them purified and spring water varieties are the more popular ones because of that you may be unable to choose the why one to choose so let’s know about both of them in detail.
    In this article, we will discuss the two different types of water. Let’s get started. Let’s begin with the spring water.

    Spring Water

    Spring Water
    Nowadays spring water is becoming more popular as many people use it. Spring water is the water that comes from under the ground and is naturally purified and then collected from the borehole or at the opening of the spring. Once the water is collected it is then sampled and examined to ensure that it fulfills the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) strict safety standards. After the analysis, it is then bottled and further ready for sale.

    Other Methods to Produce Bottled water or home water

    Bottled water or home water can also be obtained through various purification methods  such as distillation, deionization, and ozonation

    1. Distillation:

    This method involves heating the water till it is converted into steam to remove the unwanted particles and then recondensing steam to get liquid water.

    2. Deionization

    This process involves removing all the mineral salts through ion exchange. Hydrogen and hydroxide particles are added to replace the dissolved minerals.

    3. Ozonation

    This process involves disinfecting water by infusing ozone into it. To disinfect water most of the companies that bottle water use ozone gas, instead of chlorine because of its smell and less distinct taste.

    Purified Water

    Purified water is another popular type of water consumed in most developed countries including the United States of America and Canada. This water is mechanically filtered or involves various purification processes to eliminate impurities such as bacteria, viruses, minerals like lead, copper, and chemical pollutants.

    Steps in the Purification Process

    Below are the various purifying steps that are involved in the purification process.

    1. Coagulation and flocculation:

    It is the first and the basic step of water purification. In this step, positively charged chemicals are added to the water to neutralize the negatively charged chemicals such as contaminants and dirt. Floc, the large particles are also created in this process.

    2. Sedimentation:

    Due to the heavy weight of the floc, it settles down at the bottom of the water supply thus leaving clear water above it.

    3. Filtration:

    This step involves the filtration of the clear water through several filters of diverse sizes and compositions such as gravel, sand, and charcoal and thus aids in removing bacteria, unwanted particles, dirt, dust, and chemical contaminants.

    4. Disinfection.

    Disinfection is the last and final step of water purification. It involves adding chemical disinfectants such as chlorine or chloramine to kill the remaining bacteria or viruses. However, the quantity of chlorine permitted is strictly observed to ensure that it is safe for human consumption.


    Spring Water Vs Purified Water – To conclude we have provided the required information related to the two different kinds of water which are spring water and purified water. We hope this information is helpful to you. If you have questions you can comment us in the comment section below.