Author: Health Cares In

  • How Much Ashwagandha Per Day For Testosterone_

    It has not been specified how much ashwagandha you should consume daily to increase the testosterone levels in males. As per the clinical studies, most participants receive 300 mg to 5 g daily.

    For more than 3,000 years, ashwagandha (Withania Somnifera) has been an ayurvedic remedy that originated in India.

    There are many health benefits of consuming ashwagandha. Ashwagandha, an adaptogen, helps your body to manage stress effectively. According to ancient ayurvedic books, ashwagandha also improves strength, fertility, sexual performance, and libido. Additionally, there are certain proven health benefits to consuming ashwagandha.

    Ashwagandha can increase testosterone levels in men. Testosterone is an essential hormone in promoting muscle gain, sex drive, and fertility. Even though testosterone is considered an androgen (male hormone), everybody requires testosterone for some bodily functions.

    Here, the question is, does ashwagandha increase testosterone levels? If yes, then how much amount of ashwagandha should have to be consumed to improve testosterone levels daily?

    What is the required amount of ashwagandha you should consume daily to increase your testosterone levels?

    How Much Ashwagandha Per Day For Testosterone_ (1)

    Finding the relationship between ashwagandha and testosterone requires further clinical studies, which have found that ashwagandha may raise testosterone. In most studies, the participants received around 300 mg to 5 g of ashwagandha daily.

    According to a study involving 150 men, seventy-five were fertile and healthy, whereas the remaining seventy-five were infertile.

    The men in the infertile group were given 5 grams of ashwagandha root powder daily, and after three months, these men experienced an increase in their testosterone levels. Men in the infertile group received 5 g of ashwagandha root powder daily. Their follicle-stimulating hormone levels, luteinizing hormone levels, and prolactin also increased, as did their mobility and sperm count.

    Study Reviews

    In a double-blind, placebo-controlled medical study from 2015, researchers checked out 57 men who did not use sizeable weight training. Some guys received 300 mg of ashwagandha root twice daily, while the alternative group received a placebo. Both businesses took element in an eight-week resistance training program.

    The men who obtained ashwagandha showed a more massive boom in testosterone levels. Their testosterone ranges increased by ninety-six. 2 nanograms in keeping with deciliter (ng/dL). Comparatively, the men in the placebo institution experienced an 18: zero ng/dL growth.

    For context, adult male testosterone levels generally vary between 280 and 1, a hundred ng/dL, even though testosterone stages range by age.

    A 2009 study looked at 60 infertile men. Twenty of the men have been below excellent psychological pressure, 20 have been people who smoke, and 20 had skilled infertility that had no apparent cause. These 60 men had been given 5 g of ashwagandha in step with day.

    After three months, all corporations — however mainly the exceedingly pressured organization — had stepped forward testosterone degrees and sperm exceptional. Of the 60 men, eight of their companions had emerged as pregnant by the cease of the three-month examination.

    A 2019 double-blind trial offered 21 mg of withanolide glycosides every day to obese guys, ages forty-70 years old, for eight weeks. Withanolide glycosides are an extract of ashwagandha.

    Those who obtained the remedy had increased testosterone stages compared with folks who received a placebo—the treatment group also skilled enhancements in strength levels, sexual well-being, and intellectual fitness.

    Most currently, an 8-week 2022 study involved giving grownup males 300 mg of ashwagandha two times daily. Compared with the placebo institution, the guys who received ashwagandha had improved testosterone ranges and experienced stepped-forward sexual functioning.


    It has not been specified how much ashwagandha you should consume daily to increase the testosterone levels in males. As per the clinical studies, most participants receive 300 mg to 5 g daily. It will be better to consult your doctor before consuming ashwagandha.

  • How Many Cough Drops are Too Many_ (1)

    How Many Cough Drops are Too Many? – An overdose of cough drops results in a negative impact on your body.

    Cough drops, sometimes known as throat lozenges, control the reflex that causes cough and aid in soothing your throat. But here, the question is, how many cough drops are considered as too much?

    Menthol poisoning

    Menthol is the most used compound in the cough syrups. The organic compound comprises eucalyptus, peppermint, and additional mint oils.

    Menthol soothes your throat and helps cool your airway passages. It may be paired with benzocaine, which is a local anesthetic. Whereas other cough drops, brands use pectin and coat it with honey to relax the throat.

    Overdosing with cough drops containing menthol is challenging. Ingesting pure menthol leads to menthol poisoning in most of the people. Over-the-counter cough drops don’t contain pure menthol. The menthol is usually diluted.

    A regular cough drop syrup has 5 to 10 mg of menthol. There’s no approved standard for a menthol overdose, but studies suggest anywhere between 50 mg/ and 1,000 mg/kg could be a reason for lethal overdose.

    This offered range is based on the weight of the man or woman, so the quantity of menthol it takes to lead to an overdose in one person is different from what it would take in some other. For instance, if an individual weighed one hundred seventy-five pounds (seventy-nine. 5 kg), everywhere from three 975mg to 79,500mg could cause a menthol overdose. It might suggest consuming 397 to 7,950 drops comprising 10 mg of menthol each.

    How many cough drops are too many?

    How Many Cough Drops are Too Many_ (2)

    There’s no standard limit to how many cough drops can be consumed. This is mainly because of the amount of active ingredient variation among brands.

    If you’re concerned about overdosing, follow the dosage on the label or avoid menthol lozenges altogether.

    It would be best to always inform your doctor about your medications and health condition before consuming new medicines or cough drops.

    What are the harmful effects of consuming too much of cough drops?

    Over-dose of cough drops may result in stomach upset or indigestion. Below are some of the harmful effects.

    • Abdomen pain
    • Sickness
    • Vomiting
    • Diarrhea
    • Heartburn
    • Bloating

    Symptoms of a medical emergency

    Following are the symptoms of a medical emergency

    • Rapid, shallow breathing
    • Rapid heart rate
    • Heart palpitations
    • Severe diarrhea
    • Vomiting
    • Blood in your urine
    • Seizures or convulsions
    • Dizziness
    • Hallucinations
    • Unconsciousness
    • Coma

    How to treat a cough drop over-dose?

    If you or someone else has over-dosed cough drops or any other medication, firstly, call 911 local emergency services, or else you can also call the national toll-free Poison Help Line (1-800-222-1222). Once you reach the hospital or clinic, your healthcare professional will examine your vital signs, such as pulse, blood pressure, and breathing rate.

    The person may receive the following treatment depending upon their symptoms and what medicine they overdosed.

    • Ventilator (breathing support)
    • The substance in the digestive tract is absorbed by activated charcoal.
    • Intravenous (IV) fluids
    • Laxatives
    • Drugs to induce vomiting
    • Medicines that oppose the effects
    • To Provide gastric lavage treatment. In this treatment, a tube is inserted through the person’s stomach, emptied through a tube inserted through their mouth, and into their stomach.

    How to prevent a cough drop overdose?

    • It is better to follow the instructions to consume these drops, and you should not exceed the recommended dose, as an overdose may result in severe health issues.
    • Talk to your doctor about the best cough drops, and look for those drops that don’t contain menthol.
    • One more alternative to soothe the throat is Gargling with salt water.
    • Please keep the cough drops out of the reach of children as they may consume them, considering them as candy; these cough drops may be a choking hazard to young children.
    • If you consume cough drops to cure a sore throat or cough, and there is no improvement, or if the situation worsens within seven days, you should consult your doctor.
    • Remember that you can call the Poison Help Line even if you have questions about poison prevention. It doesn’t have to be an emergency.


  • Plantar Fasciitis Surgery

    Plantar Fasciitis Surgery – When frequent pain in your heel makes it hard to stand, walk, or exercise, it is time to consult your doctor, and you may also need a plantar fasciitis surgery. Let’s talk about plantar fasciitis surgery briefly.

    Plantar fasciitis surgery

    Plantar Fasciitis Surgery (1)

    The plantar fascia remains the thick ligament that goes from your toes to your heels and supports your foot’s arch. The reason for plantar fasciitis is the irritation and inflammation in this ligament. It’s one of the principal reasons for heel discomfort.

    Plantar fasciotomy is a surgery to separate the fascia from the heel bone and relieve tension. During the healing process, the connective tissue undergoes new growth, promoting lengthening of the fascia.

    What is the reason to perform plantar fasciitis surgery?


    Surgery is not the primary treatment. Most people with plantar fasciitis never need it. But when you’ve tried other solutions and still have heel pain, surgery is the only choice.

    Before going for surgery, your doctor may suggest less offensive treatments, like:

    • Physical therapy, including stretching and strengthening exercises
    • Anti-inflammatory medications
    • Extracorporeal shock wave therapy that uses high-energy impulses to repair plantar fascia tissue
    • Orthotic arch supports
    • Splints
    • Taping your foot
    • Icing
    • Massage
    • Cortisone, local anesthetic, or platelet-rich plasma injections

    According to the studies, about 90 percent of people respond to conservative treatment in 12 months.

    Despite these treatments, if you are suffering from this chronic pain, it might not be easy to stand, walk, or play sports. Over an extended period, plantar fasciitis can change how you move and walk,  leading to other problems with your feet, legs, hips, and back. The surgery aims to reduce pain and improve foot mobility so you can return to normal activities. Overall, surgery is the only successful release of the plantar fascia.

     A good candidate for plantar fasciitis surgery

    You are a good candidate for surgery if:

    • If you continue having severe pain despite trying other measures.
    • Your symptoms have lasted more than six months.
    • If You’re unable to join in physical activities.
    • Your heel pain disturbs your ability to work.
    • Other potential diagnoses have been ruled out.
    • Suppose you are suffering from certain health conditions such as diabetes, peripheral neuropathy, or venous insufficiency. In that case, the risk of side effects like complications of plantar fasciitis or slow healing may be higher.

    What’s the procedure of plantar fasciitis surgery?

    Plantar fasciotomy can be done in two ways:

    Open surgery. It regularly takes place in a hospital situation.

    Endoscopic surgery. This process can be completed at the surgical center, hospital, or doctor’s clinic.

    You’ll be provided with pre-op directions. You may be directed to stop eating and drinking 6 to 8 hours before surgery. The doctors will instruct you about whether you should take regular medicines that morning.

    Your foot will remain inspected, and your crucial signs will be checked before the surgical procedure. You’ll probably have an intravenous (IV) line injected into your arm for medications. Then, your foot will be cleaned with antiseptic.

    Details about each type of surgery:

    Open surgery: It usually requires general anesthesia or a regional block with sedation. A 1- to 2-inch incision detaches your plantar fascia from your heel bone. Any bone spurs or trapped nerves can similarly be detached at this time.

    Endoscopic surgery: This can be done with a local anesthetic and a mild sedative. Endoscopic surgery involves two tiny cuts beneath your ankle bone, each one less than half an inch long. The surgeon will insert a small camera, an endoscope, and a tiny knife in one of the openings to release your plantar fascia. The incisions will be sutured and bandaged.

    Plantar fasciotomy is typically an outpatient procedure. You’ll be released once you are conscious and your vital signs are good, typically within a few hours. You won’t be able to drive, so you must arrange transportation in advance.

    What is the recovery time after plantar fasciitis surgery?

    You’ll be specified about post-op instructions as per your medical requirements. You can experience minor pain or some discomfort in a few days. Your doctor prescribes some pain-killer medicines, or you can take over-the-counter medication as instructed.

    Recovery from open surgery

    • You might require a cast, walking boot, or a particular shoe for many weeks as you heal after open surgery. You may need to return to the doctor’s clinic to remove sutures or cast.
    • Your doctor will tell you when you can start wearing regular shoes. You’ll have a small scar in the incision area. It takes 6 to 10 weeks to recover from this surgery.

    Recovery from endoscopic surgery

    • In the case of endoscopic surgery, your foot should be able to tolerate limited weight quickly. You’ll likely be able to wear regular shoes within 1 or 2 days. Scarring will be minimal.
    • It is likely recommended that you relax on your foot for several months. In the meantime, your post-surgery recovery may comprise flexibility and strengthening exercises with a physiotherapist or on your own.
    • The recovery time from this surgery is usually 3 to 6 weeks, and, depending on your condition, your doctor can tell you what to expect.
    • As recommended for both open and endoscopic surgery, return for follow-up visits.
    • The shoes you wear are essential.
    • From now on, always wear footwear that provides ample support, particularly during physical activity. In the past, if you participated in intense activities or you were an athlete in the past, then you should consult your doctor before restarting these activities.


    Plantar fasciitis is a disease that affects a ligament known as plantar fascia, which runs from the heel to the toes. A few non-invasive treatments can resolve the problem within a few months or a year. If other methods have failed and heel pain is disturbing your quality of life, you may want to consider surgery. This procedure involves releasing the ligament to relieve tension. It can be done through open surgery or endoscopic surgery.

  • Sculptra Butt lift

    Hi everyone, how are you? I hope you all are well. Today in this article, we will discuss about the Sculptra butt lift.

    A Sculptra butt lift is a beautifying process that helps to enhance the shape and curve of your buttocks without a high risk of complication or surgery. In this procedure, a dermal filler injection known as Sculptra increases collagen production in your skin’s inner layers.

    There is no high risk of scarring during this procedure, but it involves a small risk of infection. Sculptra butt lift procedure is safer than surgical alternatives like various types of dermal fillers.

    A Sculptra butt lift can be done conveniently and quickly in your physician’s clinic. However, the most important thing is finding a well-trained and licensed physician to perform the procedure well. The cost of this procedure ranges between $ 4,000 to $7,000, depending upon the volume you wish to add during your butt lift procedure.

    Many factors determine this procedure’s result, including the level of experience your provider has. Anecdotally, many people are pleased with this treatment and say it’s a low-risk method to get significantly rounder besides further pert buttocks.

    What is Sculptra Butt Lift?

    Sculptra Butt lift (1)

    It’s natural for aging, weight loss, and pregnancy to reduce your butt’s natural pert besides plumpness.

    If this is something you’ve noticed and are worried about, you might be considering a Sculptra butt lift. This treatment is a slightly invasive, low-risk, nonsurgical choice that can improve the curve and shape of your butt.

    Sculptra remains a kind of dermal filler, so to get this treatment, you must be healthy enough to get dermal fillers. If you don’t smoke, stay physically healthy, and have genuine goals for the results of this procedure, you may be fit for a Sculptra butt lift.

    How does a Sculptra butt lift function?

    A Sculptra butt lift functions differently than other kinds of dermal fillers.

    Sculptra inserts poly-L-lactic acid into your dermal layers instead of adding volume outright, such as hyaluronic acid ingredients. This substance works to start your body’s natural collagen production mechanism.

    Since collagen remains the protein that gives your skin its shape and structure, Sculptra injections fill out the area beneath your butt through a curved shape that seems natural besides fits with your body type.

    The building of collagen takes many weeks to months. You’ll likely need several injections to improve your shape and volume.

    Except for the face Sculptra dermal filler, which isn’t presently FDA-approved for use on any part of your body. Sculptra for your butt remains considered an off-label use, so there isn’t much clinical data about results to expect.

    Many people who get this treatment report being satisfied with their outcomes.

    The Procedure

    • Firstly, you will be given a paper gown for your appointment.
    • Your provider will then ask you to lie comfortably on your stomach.
    • Your provider or assistant will clean the injection site with alcohol to sterilize it and minimize the risk of infection.
    • Depending on your preference and also as per your provider’s recommendation, a topical anesthetic may be applied to your buttocks to reduce any discomfort you may experience during the injection.
    • The injection procedure will take only a few moments as your provider uses sterile equipment to inject Sculptra into your buttocks.
    • After the injection, a bandage may be placed over the area where the injection was given. You will be able to dress as usual and even drive immediately afterward.

    Target Areas

    The Sculptra Butt Lift targets the buttocks and gluteal area. Unlike other procedures that remove fat using liposuction, the Sculptra Butt Lift only affects the gluteal region.

    Risk and Side Effects

    There are certain risks and side effects of this procedure. Severe complications and side effects from dermal fillers are unusual. You may notice the following after the procedure.

    • Bruising or redness
    • Asymmetrical results
    • Bleeding at the injection site
    • Bumps or lumps that may become smooth over time
    • Rash or itching
    • Temporary acne breakouts at the injection site

    Some people experience bruising at the injection site or lumps under their skin after getting a Sculptra injection. About 7 to 9 percent of people may experience nodules.

    What is the cost of the Sculptra butt lift procedure?

    You will have to pay the total cost of Sculptra butt lifts as it is a cosmetic treatment and doesn’t cover insurance.

    Two main factors determine the cost of a Sculptra butt lift. First, your physician should be well-experienced, trained, and licensed for your safety. The more experience your provider has, the more expensive the treatment.

    The second factor is the amount of volume you want to add to your butt. Like Botox, Sculptra is bought by the vial, like other dermal filler ingredients, and that price is revealed to you as the consumer.

    The average cost of the Sculptra butt lift procedure is $915 per vial. A slight butt lift will take four vials of Sculptra. You’ll need more ingredients for dramatic results, and the procedure costs between $4,000 and $7,000.

    Sculptra doesn’t need anesthesia, though some providers may suggest a local anesthetic, like lidocaine, to make the injections less painful.

    This procedure can be executed in your provider’s office, so you don’t have to be concerned about hospital fees. Sculptra butt lift is sometimes known as a “lunch break butt lift” as the appointment is a quick one, and you don’t have to plan to take time off from work to recover.

  • Tear Trough Filler

    Tear Trough Filler – Tear trough is a deep wrinkle between the lower eyelid and upper cheek. It can sometimes cast shadows below your eyes, resulting in a tired look. Some people think their tear troughs make them look older.

    In specific individuals, tear troughs are an inherited trait. In other cases, tear troughs become more prominent with age factor. That’s because facial tissues lose volume when you get old.

    The primary function of a tear trough is to minimize the depth of a tear trough. A trained medical professional can inject a dermal filler into the area, which makes the skin look fuller and tighter. It’s a non-surgical method of facial rejuvenation.

    However, like other facial fillers, tear-through fillers have pros and cons. Understanding the procedure and potential complications before getting the treatment is essential.

    Explain briefly about the tear trough filler.

    Tear Trough Filler (1)

    A tear trough filler is an injectable procedure to add volume under the eyelids. The product most often used in this area is typically hyaluronic acid, while other ingredients may be used. Hyaluronic acid is a gel-like substance that certainly exists in your body. Hyaluronic acid increases fullness and decreases hollows when injected into the skin,

    Are tear trough fillers safe?

    Tear trough fillers are relatively safe. They’re also less invasive than tear-through surgeries, including fat grafting and relocating.

    The Juvederm Volbella filler is the only brand approved by the FDA to increase the fullness of a deep under-eye area for people 22 years and older. However, its approval does not mean that the process is without risk.

    The FDA has not given consent to needle-free equipment for the injection of dermal fillers, so make sure to ask what type of filler you’re receiving, and always go to a reliable doctor and not to an aesthetician or a medical spa.

    The effects of tear trough fillers last only for a short period. They last about one year for most people. For long-term results, you should opt for repeated treatments.

    How much does the procedure cost?

    The total cost of tear-trough fillers depends on how many syringes you need. If your tear troughs are shallow, your surgeon can use one needle for both sides. If your tear troughs remain deep, you may require one needle for each side.

    According to the American Society of Plastic Surgeons, hyaluronic acid costs $684 per syringe. Therefore, the method can range between $684 to $1,500. Depending on your geographical location and medical professional experience, your treatment might cost more or less. These fillers are not covered by health insurance. The procedure is cosmetic and considered nonessential.

    It’s also important to remember that tear-through fillers are temporary treatments; if you wish to maintain the effect, you” ‘ll need repeated treatments. Most of the people can repeat the injection every one or two years.

    What are the alternatives to tear trough fillers?

    If you are unsure of tear trough fillers but want to brighten and plump your under-eye area, you can opt for an alternate method. These alternate methods are listed below.

    • Eye fillers
    • Botox
    • Blepharoplasty
    • Take an antihistamine
    • Minimize salt intake
    • Home remedies

    What’s the procedure for tear trough filler?

    Before it receives tear-through fillers, a well-trained medical professional will assess your lower eyelids. They can also check the texture and thickness of your skin. Additionally, they’ll determine the best dermal filler to meet your requirements. The procedure involves the following steps.

    • A medical professional disinfects the skin to avoid infection. A topical numbing may be applied to the area to prevent bruising, or an ice pack may be placed on your lower eyelids. They numb the area and decrease pain.
    • Then, they prepare a syringe comprising the filler. The syringe remains connected to a blunt or sharp needle, as per your choice. They inject the filler into the skin under your lower eyelid.
    • As they inject the filler, they gradually take out the needle. They slightly massage the area to spread the filler. The procedure is repeated under the other eyelid.

    What are the precautions to be followed after the procedure?

    You can go home as soon as the procedure is done. You’ll likely have some bruising, swelling, and redness. However, there is no need to be concerned as these side effects usually improve after 48 to 72 hours.

    • After 1 to 2 weeks, the area beneath your eyelids will appear fuller. Be sure to follow post-treatment commands, which usually are as follows:
    • Avoid sleeping face down.
    • Intense activity should be avoided for 24 to 48 hours.
    • Apply ice during the initial 48 hours.
    • Use your fingers to massage any lumpy areas gently.

    What are the possible complications of a tear trough procedure?

    Tear trough fillers are mainly safe, though no cosmetic procedure is entirely without risk. In rare cases, under-eye fillers can cause blindness (when the filler blocks the blood vessels supplying blood to the eye).

    From an aesthetic viewpoint, if the filler is done inappropriately, it could cause unevenness at the injection site or even move to a different face area. Generally, hyaluronic acid fillers comprise a low instance of lasting side effects. Probable complications of tear trough fillers are:

    • Allergic reactions
    • Headache
    • Skin discoloration
    • Persistent pain
    • Edema (swelling) around the eye
    • Granuloma (small area of swelling or inflammation)
    • Filler forming into lumps
    • Lack of desired results
    • Infection
    • Vascular side effects
    • Lack of desired results
    • Permanent blindness because of central retinal artery occlusion (very rare)

    Some complications can happen two weeks after the procedure. Therefore, it’s essential to consult your physician if you have:

    • Signs of infection
    • Worsening bruising
    • Worsening redness or swelling
    • Persistent numbness
    • Severe pain
    • Changes in vision
    • Delayed allergic reaction to the product
    • Red or painful lumps


    If you have deep creases under your eyes, tear-trough fillers may be a choice to minimize them. The procedure typically involves injecting hyaluronic acid under your lower eyelids. It makes the area look fuller. Since the effects are temporary, you must repeat the treatment every 1 or 2 years. It’s not covered by insurance as it is a cosmetic procedure.

    Tear trough fillers are generally considered safe. However, you might not be a good candidate if you have fragile skin or medical conditions. A trained physician can determine if the treatment is proper for you.

  • Thread Lift Gone Wrong

    Thread Lift Gone Wrong – A thread lift is a non-invasive beautifying procedure intended to tighten loose skin on the face and activate collagen production. The method requires stitching the skin back with momentary stitches that dissolve into the skin.

    Thread lift involves certain risks, although it is a less invasive alternative to a facelift. Let’s know about the thread lift procedure and the complications related to it in detail.

    The procedure

    Thread Lift - the procedure

    Thread lift procedure involves the following.

    • Anesthetic: To ease pain or discomfort, the surgeon usually uses a local anesthetic to numb the treatment area.
    • Incision: They’ll lightly pinhole your skin with needles to prepare it for the procedure.
    • Threading: The surgeon will interlace (weave) the threads through the skin and then tighten them until the skin looks smooth and taut. They can use many types of threads. Some manufacturers make the threads from polycaprolactone or polydioxanone and polylactic acid. Due to the anesthetic, you shouldn’t feel anything but mild pressure. It takes about 30 to 45 minutes to complete this step.
    • Healing: As your skin heals, you will feel some bruising or swelling on your skin. You can go home after the procedure and resume your daily routine. If needed, you can also drive.

    Risks and complications

    Experts generally consider a thread lift a low-risk process with a quick recovery time. However, as with any procedure, specific complications are associated with it. Below are certain side effects you will likely experience. They are as follows.

    • Swelling
    • Bruising
    • Pain or Discomfort
    • Bleeding
    • Sensitivity to sunlight
    • Difficulty while opening your mouth or jaw.

    These side effects usually persist for a short period. Swelling or bruising may last 1 to 2 weeks as the skin recovers.

    Possible complications of a thread lift procedure comprise:

    • Allergic reactions, especially to the threading material
    • Dimpling where the physician pulled the threads through
    • Migration of the threads, triggering the skin to appear lumpy
    • Blood pooling behind the threaded area
    • Infection at the incision site
    • Severe, persisting pain due to the thread placement

    People over 50 may have more risk of dimpling and infection; however, anyone can experience these symptoms after a thread lift.

    If you experience the following, contact your surgeon immediately

    • Severe swelling that remains for more than 48 hours
    • Discharge at the treatment site (may be brown, black, greenish, or red)
    • Headaches that recur
    • Fever

    Tips for minimizing risks

    You can reduce your risk of complications by following the tips below.

    • Always inform your surgeon about the prescription medicine or over-the-counter supplements you take.
    • Avoid taking blood thinning medications and nonsteroid anti-inflammatory drugs such as ibuprofen at least a week before the procedure.
    • Stop smoking for at least 1 to 2 weeks before the procedure, and also avoid drinking alcohol the night before your procedure.
    • Restrict your intake of known inflammatory triggers, such as sugar or caffeine, in the days leading up to the process.
    • Your surgeon will guide you on what to do (or avoid) earlier in the procedure to ensure the most effective and safest outcome.

    Working with a qualified surgeon is also crucial to minimizing your risk of complications. Be sure the surgeon you select has the following:

    • A license and board certification
    • An accredited, clean, hygienic facility
    • Experience, specifically with thread lifts
    • Examples of previous work


    A thread lift is a minimally invasive procedure with side effects and potential risks. The procedure involves inserting barbed stitches into the face to pull the skin taut.

    Although many people who choose thread lift are pleased with the results, it can lead to some undesired results in rare cases. Work with a trained, experienced surgeon for the best results.

  • Lab Grown Chicken Meat

    Lab-grown chicken meat is also popularly known as cultivated meat. It is the process of growing chicken in a lab from stem cells taken from an egg instead of a farm. They are grown in stainless steel tanks in labs. It is the chicken, not just one hatched from an egg.

    The USDA has given the final OK for chicken fully grown in a lab. The newly cultivated chicken will not likely be available at grocery stores soon. People who have given up meat to keep their carbon footprints low may no longer have to choose between the environment and a juicy piece of chicken.

    The United States Department of Agriculture has approved two companies to sell lab-grown chicken. The idea is to create an alternative to agriculturally raised meat that is animal and not plant-based. The two companies, Upside Foods, and Good Meat, had been competing to be the first to be approved to produce lab-grown meat.

    But is lab-grown chicken the same as traditional chicken? Here’s what to know.

    How is meat “cultivated?”

    Lab Grown Chicken Meat (1)

    Upside Foods and Good Meat, USDA-approved companies, cultivate the chicken cells in steel tanks. The cells form sheets of 100% chicken. Upside’s lab-grown chicken is formed into chicken cutlet or sausage shapes, while Good Meat turns chicken cells into cutlets, nuggets, shredded meat, and satays.

    After the cells are selected, they are mixed with a broth mixture of amino acids, fatty acids, sugars, salts, and vitamins and placed into the tanks.

    Everything one needs to have chicken, including muscle and connective tissue, grows inside the tank, creating sheets. The entire process takes about three weeks for the sheets of poultry cells to fully form, which are then turned into specific food shapes.

    Does cultivated chicken taste like chicken?

    According to both Upside and Good Meat, the answer is yes.

    Companies say cultivated chicken has the same nutritional value, chemistry, and taste as regular chicken hatched from an egg. Unlike meat substitutes, which are plant-based, lab-grown chicken is truly chicken.

    Why to buy cultivated chicken?

    Many people may want to go to cultivated chicken to lower their carbon footprint.

    According to the University of Colorado Boulder’s Environmental Center, “Animal agriculture produces 65% of the world’s nitrous oxide emissions, which has an impact 296 times more than carbon dioxide on global warming. Additionally, some people may hesitate to eat traditional chicken due to concerns about animal welfare or industrial farming practices.

    Where can I buy cultivated chicken?

    It’s not yet possible to buy lab-grown chicken in grocery stores. The products are still too expensive and difficult to produce enough for them to be readily available in a grocery store aisle.

    However, two high-end restaurants will feature the new products.

    Upside will sell its chicken at a San Francisco restaurant called Bar Crenn, whereas Good Meat chicken will remain served at a Jose Andres restaurant in Washington, D.C.

    Differentiate between cultivated chicken and commercial chicken farm

    The new companies are tiny compared to the industrial chicken farming industry.

    Upside, for example, operates in a 70,000-square-foot building in Emeryville, California. Good meat, based in Alameda, has a 100,000-square-foot plant.

    According to the Associated Press, Upside plans to increase its production from 50,000 pounds of cell-cultivated meat to 400,000. However, this is just a sliver of the billions of pounds of chickens produced agriculturally each year.

    “There are two different narratives here,” said Ricardo San Martin, PhD, the Alternative Meats Lab director at UC Berkeley. “One is science-based, and one is from a start-up perspective. It is in our best interest that something like lab-grown meat could be part of our work. We analyzed to know if [production of lab-grown meat] is feasible at scale, and that’s where we encountered problems because the science and technology tell us that we are very far from making anything commercial.”

    San Martin says it is impossible to even make a dent in the poultry industry with lab-grown chicken, as the number of chickens killed yearly for consumption is 9 billion. Lab-grown chicken is already expensive for the small-scale batches it can produce. Nine billion is, at the moment, nothing short of impossible.


    The lab-grown chicken won’t affect anything in the chicken industry. It’s not a question of whether or not you can eat it safely or produce it. It’s a business narrative but not a real-world narrative based on science and capital cost.


  • Low Carb Nuts

    Nuts are considered a healthier choice and are also included in a low-carb diet. Certain nuts are perfect for a low-carb diet. Please continue reading to learn about them.

    Nuts are rich sources of protein and healthy fats and are low in carbohydrates. Including nuts in your low-carb diet may be especially beneficial for those following stricter low-carb diets like the ketogenic diet.

    Here are some nuts perfect for a low-carb diet.

    1. Pecans


    Although often associated with sweets, pecans are healthy nuts with various nutritional benefits. They’re also deficient in carbs, providing a little over 1 gram of net carbs for a 1-ounce (28-gram) serving.

    Because your body doesn’t readily absorb natural fiber in whole foods, it can be deducted from a food’s total carb content to know the number of net carbs.

    One ounce (28 grams) of pecans contains

    • Total carbs: 4 grams
    • Net carbs: 1 gram
    • Percent of calories from carbs: 8%

    Pecans are also high in soluble fiber, a dietary fiber that decreases blood sugar levels and improves further blood markers related to high cholesterol levels and heart disease.

    2. Macadamia nuts

    Macadamia nuts

    Macadamia nuts are a rich source of nutrition and make an excellent addition to low-carb meal plans. They’re a fantastic source of B vitamins, magnesium, iron, copper, and manganese.

    One ounce (28 grams) of macadamia nuts comprises of

    • Total carbs: 4 grams
    • Net carbs: 2 grams
    • Percent of calories from carbs: 8%

    These buttery-tasting nuts are also high in monounsaturated fats. Foods high in monounsaturated fats aid heart health by managing cholesterol levels and improving inflammation markers.

    Following a diet high in flavonoid-rich foods, like macadamia nuts, may also lessen your risk of heart disease, mental decline, type 2 diabetes, and particular kinds of cancer.

    3. Brazil nuts

    Brazil nuts

    Brazil nuts are large, low-carb nuts loaded with essential nutrients. They’re also one of the finest natural sources of selenium available. Just one Brazil nut provides over 100% of the recommended Daily Value. In addition, they’re high in fiber and low in carbohydrates.

    One ounce (28 grams) of Brazil nuts includes

    • Total carbs: 3 grams
    • Net carbs: 1 gram
    • Percent of calories from carbs: 8%

    Selenium is a mineral involved in many bodily severe functions, such as metabolism, reproduction, DNA production, and immune health. It’s also essential for thyroid function and is a powerful antioxidant, protecting your cells against free radical damage.

    Studies have shown that eating Brazil nuts decreases multiple inflammation markers and improves cholesterol levels. As Brazil nuts are incredibly high in selenium, it’s recommended that adults should intake four nuts each day to avoid surpassing the upper limit of 400 mcg.

    4. Walnuts


    Walnuts remain low in carbs and contain nutrients like iron, B vitamins, magnesium, zinc, antioxidants, and fiber.

    One ounce (28 grams) of walnuts contains

    • Total carbs: 4 grams
    • Net carbs: 2 grams
    • Percent of calories from carbs: 8%

    Daily consumption of walnuts has been shown to improve heart health, promote brain function, reduce cancer risk, and help in weight loss, mainly because of their polyphenol content.

    Walnuts are also rich in healthy fats, with a plant-based source of vital omega-3 fats known as alpha-linolenic acid (ALA). Diets high in ALA-rich foods may lower the risk of heart disease and stroke. Walnuts also improve blood sugar levels among people with type 2 diabetes.

    5. Almonds


    Almonds are not only low in carbs but also high in nutritional value. They’re a fantastic source of vitamin E, protein, magnesium, riboflavin, copper, phosphorus, and manganese.

    One ounce (28 grams) of almonds contains

    • Total carbs: 6 grams
    • Net carbs: 3 grams
    • Percent of calories from carbs: 15%

    Research has shown that a diet rich in almonds helps manage weight by reducing hunger and curbing your desire to eat. Whole almonds pair well with various foods and are a suitable option for snacking on the go. Moreover, almonds can be used to prepare other low-carb ingredients.

    For example, almond flour is a well-known supplement for traditional all-purpose flour and can also be used to make lower-carb versions of recipes like muffins, pancakes, and crackers.


    Nuts are not only high in nutritional value but also are low in carbs. They’re a rich source of minerals, vitamins, healthy fats, and potent plant compounds that are good for your health in several ways.

    Adding more nuts to your low-carb meal plan can improve heart health, promote weight management, and control blood sugar levels. They’re delicious, multipurpose ingredients that add to almost any meal or snack.

  • The Ordinary Multi-Peptide Serum for Hair Density

    Hi, I hope you are doing well. In this article, We talk about The Ordinary Multi-Peptide Serum For Hair Density. Some of the bestselling The Ordinary Multi-Peptide Serum For Hair Density are available.

    #1. The Ordinary Multipeptide Hair Density Serum Mini – 30ml (30ml)

    The Ordinary Multipeptide Hair Density Serum Mini - 30ml
    Price:  Rs:1350
    Rating: 4.5

    Product Details

    A lightweight serum for fuller, healthier-looking hair.
    Targets: Hair
    Suited to: All hair types
    Format: Water-based serum
    Key Ingredients: Caffeine, Biotinoyl Tripeptide-1, Acetyl Tetrapeptide-3, Larix Europaea Wood Extract, Pisum Sativum Extract, Scutellaria Baicalensis Root Extract, Triticum Vulgare Germ Extract, Glycine Soja Germ Extract, Trifolium Pratense Flower Extract, Camellia Sinensis Leaf Extract
    This formula contains Redensyl, Procapil, Capixyl, Baicapil, AnaGain, and high-solubility Caffeine.
    All trademarks belong to their respective owners. Redensyl is a trademark of Givaudan, Procapil is a trademark of Sederma Inc., Capixyl is a trademark of Lucas Meyer Cosmetics Canada Inc., Baicapil is a trademark of Provital, S.A., and AnaGain is a trademark of Mibelle Biochemistry. Neither D.E.C.I.E.M. nor The Ordinary is affiliated with the trademark owners.
    Expiry Date: 15 September 2025
    Country of Origin:  Canada
    Manufacturer:  Deciem
    Address:  Deciem, 123 Eastside Drive, Unit #5, Etobicoke, On M8Z 5S5, Canada
    Address:  Estee Lauder Companies, 202-206 Tolstoy House, Tolstoy Marg, New Delhi 110117

    #2. Multi-Peptide Serum for Hair Density

    Price: $25
    Rating: 4.3
    Multi-Peptide Serum for Hair Density remains a concentrated leave-in formula intended to support the scalp and give you denser, thicker, fuller-looking hair. The formula is lightweight and combines peptide technologies and plant-based extracts.
    This formula contains REDENSYL™, Procapil™, CAPIXYL™, BAICAPIL™, AnaGain™, and High-Solubility Caffeine.
    All trademarks belong to their respective owners. REDENSYL™ is a trademark of Givaudan, Procapil™ is a trademark of Sederma Inc., CAPIXYL™ is a trademark of Lucas Meyer Cosmetics Canada Inc., BAICAPIL™ is a trademark of Provital, S.A., and AnaGain™ is a trademark of Mibelle Biochemistry. Neither D.E.C.I.E.M. nor The Ordinary is affiliated with the trademark owners.

    #3. Multi-Peptide + Copper Peptides 1%

    Rating: 4.3
    Price: 32.00 USD
    Serum: 30ml
    Targets: Signs Of Aging
    Suited to All Skin Types

    #4. Minimalist 10% Multi Peptide Face Serum For Anti Aging & Collagen Boost With Bio-Placenta (30ml)

    Rating: 4.4
    Price: Rs: 664

    Product Details

    Explore the entire range of Serums & Essence available on Nykaa.
    Expiry Date: 15 October 2025
    Country of Origin:  India
    Manufacturer:  Uprising Science Pvt Ltd
    Address:  Aarna 2, 21, Kartarpura Industrial Area, Jaipur

    #5. Capeli-Pro 8 Multi-Peptide Serum

    Rating: 5
    Price: Rs: 1,099
    Size: 50 ml
    Country of Origin: India
    Mfg/Marketer details:
    Lifevision Healthcare
    Plot No.140-141, E.P.I.P. Phase-1, Jharmajri, Baddi, Dist Solan (H.P.), India.

  • Elf Halo Glow Liquid Filter

    Elf Halo Glow Liquid Filter – Hi, I hope you are doing well. In this article, We talk about Halo Glow Liquid Filter. Here are some of the bestselling Halo Glow Liquid Filters available.

    #1. Halo Glow Liquid Filter

    Elf Halo Glow Liquid Filter (1)
    Price: €16
    Rating: 4.5
    What it is: It is a multifunction, liquid glow booster that gives your skin a soft-focus social filter effect in IRL.
    Why you’ll love it:

    • Radiant makeup and skincare hybrid for dewy skin
    • The complexion looks more radiant and healthy.
    • Liquid Filter can be worn in four ways: alone, under or over makeup, mixed with foundation, or as a highlighter.
    • The glass container remains decomposable
    • Now obtainable in a range of 12 shades for even more skin tones and undertones
    • Excellent for oily, dry, and combination skin

    NET WEIGHT: 1.06 FL OZ (31.5ml)

    #2. e.l.f. Cosmetics Halo Glow Liquid Filter – 3 Light And Medium (31.5ml)

    Elf Halo Glow Liquid Filter (2)
    Price: Rs: 1488
    Rating: 4.4
    Key ingredients: Squalane – Moisturizes skin. Hyaluronic Acid – Hydrates skin. Finely Milled Powders – Blurs lines and pores for a smoother, soft-focus look.
    Great for: All skin types (dry, regular/combo, oily)
    Expiry Date: 15 August 2028
    Country of Origin:  China
    Manufacturer:  e.l.f. Cosmetics
    Address:  E.L.F. Beauty, Inc. 570 10Th Street, Oakland, CA 94607, United States
    Importer:  Nykaa E-retail Pvt Ltd

    #3. Charlotte Tilbury Hollywood Flawless Filter Mini – 4.5 Medium (5.5ml)

    Rating: 4.4/5
    Price: Rs: 1900
    Shade Variation:
    2 Fair: A golden beige shade perfect for light skin tones.
    3 Fair: A warm peach shade perfect for light to medium skin tones.
    4.5 Medium: A golden beige shade perfect for medium skin tones.
    6.5 Deep: A neutral bronze shade perfect for deep skin tones.
    Expiry Date: 15 April 2026
    Country of Origin:  Italy
    Manufacturer:  Charlotte Tilbury
    Address:  8 Surrey Street, London, Wc2R 2Nd, United Kingdom
    Importer:  Nykaa E-retail Pvt Ltd

    #4. Smashbox Halo Healthy Glow All-in-One Tinted Moisturizer SPF 25 – Light   Medium(12ml)

    Price: Rs: 1,710

    Product Details

    Country Of Origin: Belgium
    Conscious: Cruelty-Free
    Benefits: Hydrating, Lightweight, Long Lasting, Moisturising
    Shelf Life (In Months): 36
    Net Weight: 12 ml
    Net Quantity: 1 N
    Formulation: Cream
    Preference: Cruelty-Free
    Skin Type: All Skin Types
    SPF: Between15-30
    Customer Care Email:
    Customer Care Phone: 91-22-61479800
    Imported By: ELCA Cosmetics Pvt Ltd,202-206 Tolstoy House, 15 Tolstoy Marg, New Delhi – 110001;
    Marketed By: ELCA Cosmetics Pvt Ltd,202-206 Tolstoy House, 15 Tolstoy Marg, New Delhi – 110001;
    Expiry Date: 2026-05-31
    Return Policy: Returnable within 15 days

    #5. e.l.f. Cosmetics Halo Glow Liquid Filter – 0 Fair (31.5ml)

    Rating: 4.4/5
    Price: Rs: 1750
    Key ingredients: Squalane – Moisturizes skin. Hyaluronic Acid – Hydrates skin. Finely Milled Powders – Blurs lines and pores for a smoother, soft-focus look.
    Great for: All skin types (dry, regular/combo, oily)
    Expiry Date: 15 October 2028
    Country of Origin:  China
    Manufacturer:  e.l.f. Cosmetics
    Address:  E.L.F. Beauty, Inc. 570 10Th Street, Oakland, Ca 94607