• Regestrone Tablet Dosage to Delay Periods

    Regestrone Tablet Dosage to Delay Periods – Regestrone 5 MG Tablet is made of a synthetic hormone (chemical messenger) that imitates progesterone (a female hormone vital for maintaining the menstrual cycle and pregnancy). It is very effective in treating various menstrual discomforts, including painful, heavy, or irregular periods; endometriosis, which refers to the growth of the uterus /womb lining at abnormal places, and the like; unwanted pregnancies since this tablet can also be used as a contraceptive. This remedy may be used in higher quantities when it is administrated to patients with breast cancer.
    Regestrone 5 MG Tablet side effects include headache, nausea, stomach pain, scanty periods or vaginal spotting, dizziness, and breast fullness. It is recommended that if these side effects are severe and last for an extended period, you should inform your doctor. Regestrone 5 MG Tablet can be taken irrespective of food, but the best practice is to take it after consulting the doctor. It is advised to be taken in the morning, which is best before you engage in any other activity throughout the day. Depending on the medical condition that the patient is being treated for, the doctor will determine the amount of this medicine to administer.
    Regestrone 5 MG Tablet is not suitable for people with jaundice, migraine, problems related to the heart, or a history of heart attack or chest pain, also known as Angina. Update your doctor if you have any kidney problems or other medical conditions you might be suffering from. The medication should not be taken if the woman is pregnant or when planning to conceive. This drug is not likely to be safe for breastfeeding mothers. However, talk to your doctor for advice on using this medicine when breastfeeding.

    How to consume a Regestrone Tablet?

    Regestrone Tablet Dosage to Delay Periods (1)
    You can consume Regestrone 5 MG Tablet either before or after having food. Avoid over- or under-consumption of sugary products because they lead to gaining or losing weight, as opposed to what is advised/prescribed by your doctor. Ensure that the treatment regime is followed to its completion. Most importantly, counseling and administration techniques advise patients not to stop using this medication without the health care provider’s approval. It may cause spotting or bleeding between your usual menstruation or periods. Tell your doctor if this reaction is frequent. Communicate with your doctor if you feel any effects like headaches, leg swelling, and breathing pain. It is notable because your doctor may require you to stop taking the medicine.

    What are the benefits of Regestrone 5 MG Tablet?

    Below are the uses of consuming progesterone 5 mg tablet. Please continue reading to learn about it.


    Contraception is a process of preventing unwanted pregnancy. Regestrone 5 MG Tablet prevents pregnancy by stopping ovulation. It also works by thickening the lining of your cervix (a small passage that connects the vagina and uterus). It prevents the sperm from entering your uterus (womb).

    Heavy menstrual bleeding

    Heavy menstrual bleeding (also known as menorrhagia) is prolonged menstrual bleeding that continues for more than 7 days. It can cause anemia (reduced red blood cell count leading to weakness) and other health issues. Regestrone 5 MG Tablet will help you prevent prolonged and heavy bleeding during your menstruation. It works by controlling the effect of progesterone (a hormone that regulates the menstrual cycle). Progesterone slows the growth of your uterus (womb) lining before menstruation, thus reducing your bleeding during menstruation.

    Premenstrual syndrome

    Premenstrual syndrome refers to numerous symptoms that you get earlier than the start of your monthly periods. These symptoms may include anxiety, mood disturbances, water retention, breast pain, etc.


    Endometriosis is after the lining of your uterus/womb starts to grow abnormally. Its symptoms are pelvic pain, excessive bleeding, painful periods of intercourse, etc. This condition is caused by an imbalance of progesterone hormone (a chemical produced in the body that is responsible for reproduction, menstruation, and pregnancy). Regestrone 5 MG Tablet treats this condition by monitoring the function of progesterone in your body. Your doctor will prescribe other medications like Regestrone 5 MG Tablet to help manage endometriosis.

    What are the side effects of using progesterone 5 mg tablet?

    There are specific major and minor side effects of using this medicine, which are as follows.

    • Headache
    • Bloating
    • Weight gain
    • Irregular menstrual periods
    • Breast pain and tenderness
    • Depressed mood
    • Yellowing of skin and eyes
    • Nausea
    • Vaginal itching
    • Dizziness
    • Skin Reactions
    • Difficulty in sleeping
    • Loss of libido

    In what situations you should not use this medicine?

    Severe liver disease

    Regestrone 5 MG Tablet is not recommended if you have severe liver problems or liver tumors. Despite this, the authors have explored that the exact way through which this medicine could lead to liver injury has not been determined; nevertheless, it has been considered that either elevated dosage or sustained use of this medicine could raise the number of liver enzymes, which in turn could harm your liver. Thus, it may even aggravate your situation.
    Patients should avoid the intake of Regestrone 5 MG Tablet, especially if they are allergic to it. Reactions are generally unlikely; however, in case of the following, do not hesitate to consult your physician: skin rash, itching, and swelling, especially of the face, throat, or any other part of the body—difficulty breathing, dizziness, etc.
    Disorder affecting the heart and blood vessels
    Regestrone 5 MG Tablet should not be used if there is a history of Stroke, which is a situation in which shares of the brain do not get the blood supply they need due to a blockage in the blood vessels. This medicine should also not be used if you have a present or history of blood clotting disorders. For this reason, the intake of higher doses of Regestrone 5 MG Tablet can raise the count of clots in your body and, thus, worsen your current state.

    Abnormal vaginal bleeding

    Regestrone 5 MG Tablet must not be taken if one experiences an episode of vague abnormal vaginal bleeding that a doctor has not evaluated. Any changes in the menstrual pattern should be taken to the doctor as soon as possible.

    Tranexamic acid

    Tranexamic acid is taken to stop nose bleeding and to thin the blood in case of heavy menstrual flow. Any contact with Regestrone 5 MG Tablet and tranexamic acid is prohibited as this brings about severe blood clotting that results in a higher risk of Stroke, that is, brain or strand damage due to blocked blood flow as well as heart attack.

    Breast cancer

    If you have or have developed breast cancer, it’s mandatory not to take Regestrone 5 MG Tablet as it will aggravate the condition. Before using this medication, it is also essential that you tell your doctor if you have a family history of breast cancer. This medicine is also contraindicated in case of cancer of the uterus or any hormone-dependent tumor or if cancer with such origin is suspected.

    Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

    How long does it take for this medicine to take effect?
    The time it takes for the Regestrone 5 MG Tablet to display its effect may differ from one person to another. It also varies based on your intended use and stages of other sex hormones in the body.
    How long do the effects of this medicine last?
    The duration for which Regestrone 5 MG Tablet stays real in your body varies depending on the intended usage and quantity consumed.
    Can his medicine be taken while breastfeeding?
    Regestrone 5 MG Tablet is not recommended during breastfeeding as it may harm your infant.
    Is this a habit-forming medicine?
    No habit-forming tendencies were reported for Regestrone 5 MG Tablet.


    To conclude, the Regestrone Tablet is a medicine commonly used to treat various menstrual problems and can also be used as a contraceptive; however, there are specific side effects of consuming it. If these side effects don’t disappear within a particular time, consult the doctor immediately.