• Drotin M Tablet Uses

    Drotin M Tablet Uses – Drotin-M tablets contain drotaverine and mefenamic acid. This medication is used to reduce pain, spasms, or twitching of the intestinal muscles (stomach and intestines) and bloating, cramps, and abdominal discomfort. It is also used to relieve pain caused by stones in the kidneys and ureters (tubes connecting the kidneys to the bladder).
    Drotin-M tablets work by relaxing the muscles in the stomach and intestines. They also block the release of certain neurotransmitters that cause pain in the body. The most common side effects of this drug are dry mouth, constipation, diarrhea, high blood pressure, blurred vision, and increased heart rate.
    Drotin-M tablets are also known to cause dizziness, so do not drive or do any work that requires energy while taking the drug. Most of the side effects of these drugs are temporary and usually disappear over time. However, if these side effects worsen over time or do not go away, talk to your doctor. Do not drink alcohol while taking this medication, as it may cause dizziness.

    How to consume Drotin m tablet?

    Drotin M Tablet Uses (1)
    Drotin-M tablets can be taken with food or as directed by your doctor. Even if you feel better after a few doses, you should complete the full course of treatment. But if you stop treatment too early, your symptoms may return and your condition may worsen.
    Patients with serious liver, kidney, and heart disease should use Drotin-M with caution as it can cause serious side effects. Moreover, elderly people should use these drugs with caution because their side effects are more severe. Drotin-M tablets are not recommended for pregnant and breastfeeding women unless prescribed by a doctor.

    What are the uses of the Drotin m tablet?

    Abdominal Pain

    Abdominal pain refers to discomfort anywhere in the abdomen. You may feel this pain when your abdominal wall muscles spasm or twitch. It can be caused by constipation, overeating, stress, muscle pain, food poisoning, indigestion, or stomach or intestinal disease. Drotin-M tablets relieve abdominal pain, bloating, cramps and discomfort. It prevents muscle spasms by relaxing the stomach and intestinal muscles.

    Mild to moderate pain

    Drotin-M tablets are used to treat irritable bowel syndrome (an inflammatory bowel disease that causes abdominal pain), colic pain, colic pain, and colic pain (sharp and aching local) in the intestines, gallbladder and intestines, stomach cramp pain.

    What are the side effects of using the Drotin M tablet?

    There are certain major and minor side effects of using this tablet. They are as follows.

    • Nausea and vomiting
    • Diarrhea
    • Constipation
    • Bloating
    • Headache
    • Faintness
    • Ringing or buzzing in the ears
    • Blurred vision
    • Weight gain
    • Shortness of breath
    • Flaking and blistering of skin
    • High heart rate
    • Dry mouth
    • Yellow-coloured eyes or skin
    • Heartburn
    • Bloody and Cloudy urine
    • Extreme tiredness

    Frequently Asked Questions

    1. How long does it take for this medicine to work?

    The length of time the tablets continue to work in the body has not been medically determined.

    2. How long do the effects of this medicine last?

    The effect time of the medicine is not clearly defined but you may feel better within 6-8 hours after taking the medicine.

    3. Can this tablet be taken during pregnancy?

    Drotin-M tablets are not recommended for pregnant women, particularly in the third trimester, as it is known that they affect the development of the child by passing the placental barrier. Use this drug during pregnancy only if prescribed by your doctor.

    4. Can this tablet be taken while breastfeeding?

    Drotin-M tablets are not recommended for breastfeeding women. It may pass into breast milk and also harm your baby. If you are breastfeeding while using this medicine, tell your doctor.


    To conclude, Drotin M tablets contain drotaverine hydrochloride salt (80 mg), and mefenamic acid (250 mg). Drotin M tablets are usually used to diagnose or treat cramps, irritable bowel syndrome, stomach ulcers, menstrual cramps, and constipation. It has some side effects such as dizziness, low blood pressure, and nausea. Thus, we have provided a brief description of Drotin M tablets. We hope this article will be informative to you. Please let us know your thoughts in the comment section given below.