• How to Use Beard Oil_

    How to Use Beard Oil? – Do you want to make your beard hair soft and want to know about the details of the beard oil? Then you have opened the right article. This article will provide detailed information about beard oil and how to use it properly. So, without wasting further time let’s know about the oil in detail.
    Beard Oil
    You may have seen beard oil and other men’s grooming products such as shaving cream, aftershave, hair gel, etc in the nearby local departmental stores or pharmacies. If you have never used it and want to know its details, this article is for you.
    Beard oil is applied to the beard hair to make it soft and keep the skin beneath the beard hydrated. It is easy to apply. All you need is a comb, and if you have a very short beard, you may even be able to get by with your hands.
    Beard oil is easy to find at most places that sell men’s grooming products such as pharmacies and department stores. You can also find this oil online from many retailers.
    Most beard oils come with an eyedropper or a lid that lets you pour one drop at a time. If yours didn’t or if you’re using homemade oil, you may also need a container that lets you easily portion it.

    What is the proper way of applying beard growth oil?

    Specific instructions are mentioned on the back of the container. However, here’s how this oil is generally applied:

    1. Apply two to three drops of beard oil in your palm and rub your hands together to spread the oil around your palms and fingers.
    2. You may need more oil later, but starting with a small quantity is best to avoid making your beard too greasy.
    3. Rub your palms and fingers across the hair on both cheeks.
    4. Then, rub your hands down the front of your face so that it covers your mustache and chin.
    5. Go over your mustache again with your fingertips.
    6. Run a comb through your beard to evenly distribute the oil. Comb both with and against the growth of your hair.
    7. Apply more oil if you don’t feel like you’ve used enough. People with particularly long or dry beards are most likely to need more.
    8. Then, comb your beard back into place and groom it as you like.

    When to apply beard oil?

    The best time to apply this oil is after washing your face or taking a hot shower when your hair and face are clean. Before using the oil, dry your beard with a towel so that it’s damp but not wet.
    You likely don’t need to apply the oil every day. Start by applying it every other day, and adjust as required. You may need to apply the oil more often if you have a long beard or if you live in a particularly dry climate. However, if you notice your beard feels greasy, you can cut back on how often you apply oil.

    Precautions to be followed

    The quantity and frequency you apply this oil is up to you, but you should avoid:

    • Putting so much oil on that your beard feels greasy
    • Leaving in clumps of uncombed oil
    • Pouring the oil directly on your face
    • Using oil if it’s causing discomfort or irritation
    • Applying oil when your beard is still wet


    1. Moisturizes dry skin: Applying beard oil may help moisturize the skin underneath your beard and prevent dry, flaking skin. Applying many types of oil to your skin creates a water-repellent layer to block trans-epidermal water loss.
    2. Minimize itchiness: The moisturizing properties of this oil may help reduce itchiness caused by flaking skin.
    3. Soften your beard: Oils that contain saturated fats or monounsaturated fats may be able to penetrate the outer layer of your hair to help it keep its natural moisture barrier. Maintaining this moisture barrier keeps your hair hydrated and soft.
    4. Protects against folliculitis: Some types of oils like coconut oil have antimicrobial properties that may prevent folliculitis. Folliculitis is an inflamed hair follicle caused by bacterial or fungal infections.
    5. Makes your beard smell good: Many beard oils contain fragrances that give your beard a pleasant smell.

    What’s the difference between beard oil, beard balm, and beard wax?

    Although Beard oil, wax, and balms have similar functions they have different textures. They can all offer the same moisturizing benefits but may change the way you style your beard.
    Beard oils:  They are often made up of essential and carrier oils along with fragrances. It’s the most lightweight option and won’t weigh down your beard.
    Beard balms:  Beard balms contain the same types of oils but have a thicker texture. They’re often recommended for men with fuller beards. Balms take longer to be absorbed than oils, so they have a longer-lasting effect. The extra weight of the balm may also help you style your beard and tame flyaways.
    Beard wax: It is the thickest option of all. Along with the carrier and essential oils, they also usually contain beeswax. This wax gives it the ability to hold your beard in place when you’re trying to achieve a particular style. Wax may be your best option if you find your beard is unruly or hard to manage.


    To conclude, it has not been proven that beard oil makes your beard grow faster. However, it can give a shiny texture to your beard and helps to keep it hydrated. It can easily be available at most places that sell men’s grooming products, or you can make your own with castor oil or coconut oil.