• Substitute For Baking Soda

    Substitute For Baking Soda – If you don’t have baking soda, then you can go for its substitutes. These substitutes are baking powder, potassium bicarbonate and salt, Baker’s ammonia, Self-rising flour, etc.
    Baking soda is one of the main ingredients found in the kitchen pantry of every bakery shop. Baking soda also known as sodium bicarbonate is a chemical compound with the formula NaHCO3. It is a leavening and a raising agent. Baking soda is mainly used in the preparation of bakery items such as cakes, muffins, and various types of bread. It is alkaline. When it is combined with lemon juice or cream of tartar forms carbon dioxide gas which helps baking goods expand and rise thus making them fluffy and soft.

    Details of the substitutes of baking soda

    Substitute For Baking Soda (1)
    If you don’t find baking soda in your kitchen you need not worry as there are many substitutes for baking soda. A few of them are given below.

    1. Baking Powder

    Baking powder is the combination of baking soda and cream of tartar. It can also be used as a raising agent. You can use it as a substitute for baking soda but it is not as powerful as that of baking soda. That is the reason you should use triple the amount of baking powder to get the proper raising effect on the final product.

    2. Potassium bicarbonate and salt

    Potassium bicarbonate is another effective substitute for baking soda. It is mostly used as a dietary supplement. As it doesn’t contain sodium you may need to add salt to get that leavening effect and the amount of salt that should be added depends upon the recipe. It can be used as a 1:1 ratio as a substitute for baking soda.

    3. Baker’s Ammonia

    Baker’s ammonia also known as ammonium carbonate was earlier used as one of the chemical leavening agents during the 13th century. It is suitable only for thin or crispy bakery goods such as cookies or crackers. However, it is not appropriate for bakery items with a thick crumb such as cakes, muffins as ammonia may not be able to escape thus leaving an unpleasant smell behind. You can use baker’s ammonia with a 1:1 ratio as a substitute for baking soda.

    4. Self-rising flour

    Self-rising flour is another substitute for baking soda. It is a combination of all-purpose flour, baking powder, and salt. It can be used in certain bakery recipes but remember as it already consists of baking powder you need to adjust certain ingredients according to it. For example, if you are using buttermilk in the recipe you have to replace it with regular milk.
    Besides the above substitutes, many other ingredients can be replaced with baking soda. These substitutes are whipped egg whites, club soda, and whipping cream.


    Baking soda is one of the main ingredients used in the preparation of several bakery recipes as it helps in leavening and adding volume to the final product. If you don’t find any baking soda in your kitchen pantry, there are several replacement options available. But you may have to make certain adjustments in the ingredients to get that perfect leavening effect.